Any skill level, regardless of ability to pay.

Your Impact: Nurturing Citizen-Musicians
Your support allows us to accept and nurture each child who joins DCYOP, whether they’re picking up an instrument for the first time or preparing for an international tour.

Every student accepted.

Every student subsidized.
What it costs us
What we charge
$25 to $510
20% of students receive heavily discounted tuition assistance

Every student grows.
- Instrument lessons
- Music theory
- Wellness
- Advanced workshops
- Coaching
Donate now
DC Youth Orchestra Program is a 501(c)(3) organization with EIN 52-6059783.
Questions? Contact Development Associate, at [email protected]
How to donate
Mail your gift to
DC Youth Orchestra Program
PO Box 56417
Washington, DC 20040
Double the impact of your gift
Many employers will match your gift to DCYOP. See if yours has a matching program!
United Way of the National Capital Area’s Combined Federal Campaign

Use CFC #88347 or United Way #8672 for this workplace giving campaign
Corporate Sponsorship
Support DCYOP’s annual fund, underwrite a specific program (for instance: the Children’s Orchestra, Talent Development Program, or our Summer Intensives), or sponsor a free concert. Contact Betsy Purves, Director of Development, [email protected] or 202-759-8550 x703.
Revenue breakdown
Breaking down contributions
Stocks, Retirement Plans and Bequests
- DCYOP Wells Fargo Advisors Account #: 2606-6671
- DTC#: 0141
- Advisor’s Contact Phone: 410-727-8400 or 800-638-0626
- Address: 100 Light Street, Floor 27, Baltimore, MD 21202
If you are age 70 ½ or above, you may have a retirement plan that requires you to take a minimum distribution and pay income tax on the amount. You could make a wonderful gift to DCYOP through an “IRA charitable rollover” where you direct a gift of up to $100,000 from your retirement plan to the organization and avoid paying income tax in addition to supporting the young musicians of DC.
Also your retirement plan is generally the most heavily taxed asset in your estate. If you are charitably minded, designate all or a portion of your retirement plan as a bequest to support DCYOP thereby avoiding taxes while leaving other assets for family members.

Instrument Donations
DCYOP welcomes in-kind donations of new or gently used musical instruments for our instrument loan library. One of the major barriers for families is the cost of renting an instrument, which can be more expensive than our tuition.
All of our students deserve to learn on high-quality instruments. As such, we are only able to accept instruments valued above the thresholds listed below. In addition, DCYOP has requirements for repairs and appraisals that need to be completed before donating. Please see below for detailed information.
Donation Criteria
String instruments must be repaired before DCYOP can accept them as donations. DCYOP will accept wind and brass instruments in need of minor repairs as long as they are above our value cutoffs.
If you would like to receive a receipt for tax purposes, please note that you must have the instrument appraised by a qualified appraiser before donating. DCYOP cannot offer tax advice, and we encourage you to consult a tax professional if you would like to make your gift tax deductible.
DCYOP requires an appraisal for most string donations to confirm the instrument’s value regardless of whether the donor would like a receipt. We do not require an appraisal for donations of quarter-sized or smaller violins, fractional-sized violas, and fractional-sized cellos unless you need a receipt for tax purposes.
You do not need an appraisal for woodwind and brass instruments if you do not need a receipt: make and model information will be sufficient.
Potter Violins in Takoma Park offers appraisals and repairs of string instruments.
DCYOP cannot accept donations of pianos, guitars, sheet music, music stands, metronomes, or any other musical equipment.
We are only able to accept instruments valued above the following thresholds
check the thresholds